Sample Questions To Ask The Interviewer

Sample Questions To Ask The Interviewer

Here are the questions that a candidate can ask an interviewer:

The position:

  • Would you describe my duties of the position?
  • Can you tell me about the primary people/team whom I will be working/reporting to?
  • What skill do you see as most important to be successful in this position?
  • How and when will my performance be evaluated?
  • What kinds of assignments/tasks I might expect the first six months?
  • Is this a new role or I am replacing someone? Why did that person leave?
  • Can you take me through the design process that a designer has to follow till the product is in production?

Career Paths:

  • Can you tell me about career path this position offers?
  • Have you cut staff in the last three years?
  • Does advancement to upper level positions require some qualifications?
  • What is the growth potential in this position? Where does this role fit in the growth strategy of the company?
  • Are there opportunities for cross-functional collaboration or career mobility within the company, such as transitioning from UX/UI design to product management or user research?

Education and Training:

  • Are there training programmes available to employees so they can learn and grow professionally?
  • What is the most significant challenge facing this role team/department?
  • How does the company support and encourage UX/UI Designers?


  • What kind of personal attributes and qualifications does your company value in regard to this position?
  • What is the most significant challenge facing this role team/department?
  • How does designers utilize AI in their designs in this era of AI?
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